Food Services

Great news! All enrolled students of Willington Public Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no cost to your household each day of the school year. Your children will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit a meal application. However, a la carte milk does not fall within the free designation and will cost students $0.65.

If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected].

Community Eligibility Provision Letter

CEP Press Release

Application for Free and Reduced Lunch

School lunches have a new look again this year with healthy choices for your child every day! The federal government has continued the new nutrition standards for meals served to America’s school children, based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. For more information on the Dietary Guidelines, see http://wTw.

The changes will again be seen in our cafeteria this year. The requirements include strict limits on the calories, saturated fat, trans fat and sodium in school meals. We are meeting these nutrition standards by offering students a selection of low-fat and fat-free milk, larger portions of colorful fruits and vegetables, and a variety of whole grains and lean protein choices. All lunches include five meal components:

·         meat or meat alternate such as yogurt, lean beef, chicken or low-fat cheese;

·         grain such as whole-wheat bread or brown rice;

·         a fresh or canned fruit selection;

·         raw or cooked vegetables in a variety of colors; and

·         low-fat or fat-free milk selections.

Each child must select at least three of these five components on their tray to make a meal, including a fruit or vegetable. Children MUST select a fruit or a vegetable with their lunch every day. Without a vegetable or fruit, students will be charged the a la carte price instead of the meal price.

Our school district will again be encouraging students to try the new foods being offered.

We are also asking for your help. Please explain the program to your child before they arrive at school. Every student needs to be prepared to select at least one fruit or vegetable with their breakfast and lunch every day. We are planning our menus to include selections we know students like, as well as many different foods they may not have tried before. Please encourage your child to try these new foods. They just might find a new favorite!

Summer Lunches
The USDA’s Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder helps families find nearby summer meal sites for two types of summer meal sites: Eat On-Site and Meals To-Go. Both types of sites offer free meals and snacks to children 18 and younger. 


Daily Offerings:

Breakfast: Assorted Fruit, Carrots, Milk and 100% Juice

(Students MUST take a fruit with breakfast)

Reduced Sugar Whole Grain Cereal,
Whole Grain: Goldfish Grahams, Muffin, Bread, Bagel, Cinnamon Bun

Lunch: Cold Vegetable Choices:  Cucumbers, Carrots, Green Pepper slices or Tomatoes

Fresh Fruit Choices:  Apples, Oranges

Hummus or Black Beans

Tuesdays & Thursdays Only

 all juice drinks are 100% Juice 

Milk is 1% Low Fat, Fat Free Chocolate or Fat Free Strawberry. 

Hall Memorial School Daily Alternate Breakfast Choices: 

  • Whole Grain Cereal, Goldfish Grahams 

Hall Memorial School Daily Alternate Lunch Choices:

  • A 2nd Hot Choice Meal
  • Chef Salad
  • PB & J or PB & Fluff Sandwiches
  • Sandwiches or Wraps
  • Bagel, Yogurt or Cereal Lunch


Center School Daily Alternate Breakfast Choice:

  • Whole Grain Cereal, Goldfish Grahams 

CES Lunch Options- children choose A, B, C, or D lunch each day. Each option comes with Milk.

A:  Hot Lunch of the day.

B:  Yogurt Tray: yogurt, cheese stick, muffin, WG goldfish crackers, vegetable & fruit choice.

C:  Peanut Butter & Jelly: PB&J sandwich, cheese stick, goldfish crackers, vegetable & fruit choice.

D:  Cereal, Variety Sandwich or Bagel Lunch:

      Monday: Cereal Lunch: cereal, 1/2 peanut butter sandwich, cheese stick, vegetable & fruit choice.

      Tuesday and Wednesday: Variety Sandwich Lunch: the sandwich of the day, vegetable & fruit choice.

      Thursday: Bagel Lunch: bagel, peanut butter or cheese stick, vegetable & fruit choice.


 We appreciate your support of the Willington School Meals Program and look forward to serving delicious & nutritious meals to your students. The price for a student breakfast is $0, the price for a student lunch is $2.85 (which includes milk), and milk only is  $0.65 cents. Prices are for both Center Elementary School and Hall Memorial School.  (If a student is approved for free or reduced lunch they are automatically eligible for free or reduced breakfast.)

Please review our policies for purchasing meals:

Meal Account:

Students in all Willington schools are assigned a meal account. Parents are encouraged to put money on these accounts so students do not have to remember to bring cash daily.

How do I put money on my child's meal account?

Parents currently have three options to pay for their child’s meal account:

·  Online –  Here is the link to access our school lunch payment system as well as directions to create an account:


Click "Register."

Fill out your information. 

Read the Terms and Conditions, then Click "Acknowledge."

Click next through all the set up information.

Click "Get Started."

Click "Add" under Add Accounts.

Click "Student."

District is "Willington School District (Willington, CT)."

First & Last Name and Date of Birth are required.

Add all of your enrolled students to your profile.

From here you can add funds to your student's account and fill out the free/reduced form.

· Check – Write check to Willington School Food Service and send or bring the check to the school kitchen.

· Cash – Cash may be brought to the kitchen for deposit on the student’s account, or students may pay cash on a daily basis.


How to Buy School Meals

Center Elementary School: Students may pre-pay for meals daily if they do not have money on their account. All transactions should be made in person by either the student or their parent/guardian. All meals are pre-paid and recorded on a computerized point-of-sale system which is a debit based accounting system. Students and their family should plan to pre-pay for meals they intend to purchase.

Hall Memorial School: Students can pre-pay anytime. The pre-payment method is a point-of-sale debit system that allows students to pre-pay for any number of meals. A la cart option is available at an additional cost. Students are also welcome to use cash to pay for their meal as they go through the line. Students must have a positive account balance to be able to purchase a la carte items.

Questions about account use and balances should be directed to the Food Service Director at HMS and the Food Service Manager at CES:

Center School: Ms. Rosalie Gorman: 860-429-9367 ext. 1217   

Hall School: Mrs. Stephanie Knight: 860-429-9391 ext. 2318 or e-mail [email protected]  

Meal Charging Policy:  Willington Food Services does not have an alternate meal policy for students with meal debt. All student balances need to be at $0.00 or in the positive at the end of the school year. Policy is subject to change.

How do I know when my child’s account is running low on money? Parents can monitor the account balance in PowerSchool and have a low balance alert emailed to them.  Parents are also welcome to contact the food services director or kitchen manager to inquire about their child’s account balance.

Account Balance: Unpaid balances are not the responsibility of the Food Services Department.  Unpaid meal charges must be resolved to a zero balance by the last day of school.  If a student has a positive balance at the close of the school year, it will automatically be credited to their meal account for the next school year at Willington Public Schools. Negative balances do not carry forward to the next school year. Please see above Meal Charging Policy. If your student is not continuing in Willington Public Schools you may request a refund of the account or donate the balance to the food services program.


Breakfast Program


Breakfast costs $0.00

Students approved for Free and Reduced lunch are automatically eligible for Free Breakfast and Free Lunch. 

Willington Public School is pleased to inform you that Pursuant to Public Act No. 23-204 (Connecticut State Budget), $16 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act (2021) funds has been allocated for “Free Meals for Students” to the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) for the 2023-2024 school year. The funds are referred to as State Transition Assistance for Breakfast and Lunch Expenses (STABLE). STABLE funds will support households by allowing all students at Center and Hall Memorial School the following:

A Breakfast meal at no cost, regardless of their free/reduced lunch status.



Variety of whole grain options daily i.e. muffins. Smoothies and Yogurt Parfaits will be available select days.

All choices come with Fruit, 100% Juice and Milk.

Whole Grain Cereal will be available every day




On 2 Hour Delayed Opening Days – No breakfast will be served.

On Minimum Days - Breakfast and Lunch will be served.



On 2 Hour Delayed Opening Days - No Breakfast will be served.

On Minimum Days - Breakfast and Lunch will be served.


 Summer Food Service Programs
Healthy meals aren't only offered during the school year, but are available during the summer as well!

All children under the age of 18 are welcome to get a 
FREE meal - No questions asked!

SDE Summer Food Service Program Website

Click here to find a Summer Site near you! 


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